Go into the Ruse...

The Staff Revealed
Scott Dave Tom
Fish Bond Gaku
Professor Kat Viv Eugene

It is essential that you email us.

Ah hey hey hey!


  The Scorpion  in the  mint garden.

   ,    ,
   \ o /

"Tssss.  Tssss."

 Once there was a  terrible scorpion
in  Dave's  mint garden.   It looked
like that.

 See what's goin' on in shittowne.

 As long as  the scorpion's  not the
one giving head, it's safe sex.

eMail Scott.

Look at Scott and his Mice.

Ah hey hey hey!

You suck if you cant view this!


  Dave  enjoys  ruses. Infact he par-
takes in them  often.  He hopes  you 
enjoy this page;  he has enjoyed par-
taking in its creation.

 Dave  also likes  arguing with  Tom 
and he suggests that you do the same.  
Email Tom and  ridicule him  in some

Are you too good for your home?

You can email Dave.

You  can see  what Dave looks  like

Ah hey hey hey!


  Tom  is  Jesus,  but  most  people 
don't know it.  He heals people with 
but  a touch,  and says  things  are 
both  'random'  and 'addictive'.  He 
writes poetry  and short stories and
other whatnot and has a few ruses up
his cloak, so watch out!
 Incidentially,  Tom thought  of the 
name The Daily Ruse.

 See the story of how it came to be...

Ah hey hey hey!


  Vishal  "The Fish"  Verma.  One of 
the top men in  the entire  Ruseland 

 Here he is seen both purchasing and
using 384 kilos of mexican coke that
was originally destined for the rest
of the staff.  

Soon, you could visit his site!

Ah hey hey hey!


  Bond, Andrew Bond.  
 Shaken, not stirred.

 Bond doesn't really look like Shaft,
but  he is  a bad  mother  and a sex 
machine with all  the chicks as well.  

 In  addition,  Bond  edits  and  is 
strong like bull, eay, Natasha?  

Shut up Boris!

He also runs a  web page of his very 
own,and is not scared to admit it.  

Click on the random graphic now.