Apparently you want to know about this. Jackass.

This is from Happy Gilmore. Dave's seen it over 57 times.
The part where some guy says "Hey, you should play in the
Waterbury Open tomorrow!" Sandler replies, "OK, I'll see you
there." And then waves his thumb down while farting sarcastically.
Fart sarcastically and you'll get it. ,=--

Once we were hanging out in back of Dave's house doing what we usually did
in the back of Dave's house when all of a sudden a scorpion walks out of the
mint garden and says "tsss! tsss!" while waving it's claws to and fro. We all
got scared (and rightfully so). For once Fish stopped thinking about the
cicadas. So for the duration of the scorpion's presence we were freed of their
I'm told I do a killer imitation of the scorpion, so if you ever meet me, just ask...
BTW, who the fuck are Rick McIntyre and Tony Stone and why do I care? It's a
scorpion. Copyright this: / (That's an erect penis, if you couldn't tell).